Sunday, April 25, 2010

April 25, 2010 - Went to church this morning, as usual. When it came to the time for prayer requests I reminded people that Saturday is May 1, meaning that it will be 9 years on that day, since Sarah first went missing. My heart is heavy and I will not have family with me on that day.
We did a balloon release last year for her, and it was very well attended by several members of our church, and a friend of Sarah's who has been a real sweetheart to me all through these tough times. As a matter of fact, she's the only friend of Sarah's who has not totally shunned our family since Sarah left. She may be the only one who really doesn't know where she went.
This year, a balloon release is almost completely out of the question. I have heard that it's now illegal to do balloon releases due to there being a fear of balloons getting caught on wires and causing problems. It seems like there could be something else we could do, but I am out of ideas and frankly don't have the heart to withstand being around other people who love me, but don't have the same feelings as me about Sarah. Yes, there are many out there that knew her before she was born, spent about her whole life going to the same church as us, took her on mission trips, etc. There ARE many who love her, but nobody loves her quite like family.
Dear Lord, please see our family through this crisis. I beg that You would resolve this for us, because we are not able. Please bring her home to her family. I believe that she is with You, now, but I want to know where she was buried and bring the people to justice. Yes, I know it's for my satisfaction, and You will deal with them in Your time, but our pain is tremendous. Please see us through these next few days, especially. Please keep each one of us busy enough doing productive things, to keep our focus off of ourselves. I know Lord, that this is NOT about me, but it sure does feel like it.
Thank You, God, for listening to my feeble prayers. You ARE the LORD of Lords, and the KING of Kings.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Remembering Sarah

This year, on May 1 (2008) we remembered Sarah at church by releasing balloons with her small fliers attached. Helium balloons go far, especially when it's very windy. And, windy it was! Several balloons were 'released' before the 'official' release time - but that's alright. The little children at church enjoyed the balloons, and they seemed to enjoy releasing them as much as they did carrying them around. Becca's little girl let go of about three of them! What a cutie. She had a great time running around in the field behind the church.
Back to the story, though. Fortunately, John was able to be there, as was Matt and Becca and her two little ones. John said a few words, I said a few words, and Jay Smith prayed for Sarah's safety and contacting us.
Many members of the church were there for our support and to pray. I feel so blessed to be a member of such a supportive group of Christians.
I has been 20 days since that event, and I somehow feel more at peace than I have in a very long time. Can't pinpoint a reason. Maybe it's the new meds. haha
I was going to take my camera and gets pics of the balloons being held by so many people, and being released and flying away, but of course, forgot to bring it since I was in such a rush to be there on time. John had gone ahead and had the balloons filled with helium before Matt, Becca, her kids, and I arrived. What a blessing John is to me! But, alas, no pics to share - only the pics in my mind about watching them fly high until they were out of sight.
I miss my Sarah. I pray that she has forgiven me for anything I did to provoke her to leave. If she hasn't, then I ask her forgiveness.
Neh 8:10

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Still Looking

Wow, has it really been a year since I've posted on here?!! Guess so.
Nothing much has changed. Sarah is still missing - we are still missing her so much - still trying to find her with little to no success. No recent leads. I've heard here and there in the last several months to a year that she was seen here or seen there. When I ask if they called the police, the answer is ALWAYS "No". So, that brings up a couple of questions: Was it really her that was seen? Since people know that she's still missing, why don't they call the police and tell them that she was seen at a certain time, at a certain place. Do they really care? Why would somebody tell you that they saw her, and in the next breath say that they didn't call the police. Would they want me to call the police if their daughter was missing? Would they want me to tell their daughter, "Hey, call your mom, she's dying inside, or call your sister, your dad, or somebody in the family so they can at least know that you are alright. I would do one of those things at the very least.
I feel like anybody who sees a person that is missing, is responsible to call the police and tell them when, where, and who with you saw the person. Can you imagine your loved one being missing for several years, not having seen them even once during that period of time, not knowing if they are alive and well - or not?
Since it's been more than 6 heartwrenching years, she surely knows that there is no way she's in trouble with the police, with her family, or with anybody on the face of this earth.
Sarah, if you ever read this, please call home - same number, same house. Becca is there during the day - almost all day long, and I'm not. So, if you don't want to talk to me, talk to her. She misses you and worries about you.
We love you and will NEVER stop looking for you. I pray that you are alright, safe, warm, happy, well, and still have the great laugh, beautiful smile, and sense of humor.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

This is a little strange, but what the heck!

Things have been changed and now it's harder to add a new blog. Guess I'll give it a go and see what happens.
Something new is coming! Sarah will be featured on a full-page add of her on some of the 1040 IRS booklets that will be published and available early next year. Those of you who file the 1040 may keep an eye out for her ad. Another good thing is that she will also be featured on some ADVOs that will be published - don't know exactly when, though. NCMEC will be working on an Age Progression of Sarah very soon. This is great! I have high hopes for this and am very excited about it. I have seen some of the artists' recent APs and some of them are excellent. Please pray that this will turn out as an excellent likeness of what she now looks like.
These are all very positive things that are happening to help resolve her case, and to find her.
Until next time. . . Neh 8:10 <(((><>

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Special dates that Have Passed

May 1, 2006 was the anniversary of Sarah's 5th 'missing year'. We did an "Adopt-A-Missing-Person" campaign at my place of work in the break-room, and later at the local mall. The purpose was to try to help people be aware of the hundreds of thousands of missing people that are long-term missing. There were info sheets on about 8 people and buttons with their pictures and a phone number to call if seen. This would help to recognize a missing person if you were to see one. May 1 was a sad day, for I never imagined that Sarah would not return home before this length of time. The campaign was basically a bust. People would see the display then quickly look away, like they didn't want to see. Most people had to be asked if they would like to adopt a missing person, and that would get my foot in the door to explain a little about it to them. Still, only a few buttons were taken by a few people. Of course, being local, Sarah's button was the most popular - only because she was local, and then only about 5 of her buttons were taken at the mall, and a couple of them at work.

Today, June 14, is a very special day, as if was 20 years ago today - it is Sarah's birthday. I made a strawberry cake, which is her favorite. Would love to sing "Happy Birthday" to her and take pictures, have a great celebration, and let her blow out the candles and have the first piece of cake, and her choice of ice cream. The only gift I was able to give her, though, is to buy a newspaper ad with her picture and a birthday wish for her. I miss her. :( Wish she knew how much we all miss her.
Went to work today because it was a good day for me to keep busy. Better than staying home thinking only about my loss of my baby girl.

Saturday, December 31, 2005

Looking for Sarah

Wondering what Sarah is doing Tonight
Nothing going on here. :( Another New Year's Eve and still no Sarah. There are people who know. Why won't they help us? Guess it's the way people are nowadays. Funny, though, that you can catch them changing their stories because they just happened to forget what they had originally said. Funny, that if they'd told the truth in the first place, they wouldn't have to try to remember their lies! Let's take Amber, for instance. Did she go to school that day? Who knows? She's said it both ways! She said she was with Curtis looking for Sarah all day. Then she said that she went to school that day. Sooooo, which was it? Huh, Amber? Why don't you try telling the truth for a change? Could be good for your soul. Think about how you would feel if one of your daughters was missing, and there were people who knew exactly what happened. Would you want them to tell you, or do you really believe that they would be doing her a favor by never telling. What if you daughter ran into some trouble, but you didn't know and couldn't help protect her? What if she had a baby but you didn't know anything about it? Think about how you would feel. Well, you haven't really come close to how I (we) feel, yet. There are more thoughts that have crossed my mind than you could ever imagine in your wildest dreams. And how about you, Dani? How would you feel? You have changed your story at least 3 times, too. I asked you a certain question, waited a few months and asked again, then waited quite a while and asked again. Each time your answer was different. Do you remember that? I asked you about it when you were here. Think about it and maybe it'll come to you. Are you part of the solution? Don't think so!

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Another Christmas without our precious baby girl

Another Christmas and still haven't heard anything from Sarah. What a bummer for us. Well, we will get past that one more time. The Lord has His ways, and He will prevail. I wait upon Him!

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Film crew

November, already???!!!! I can hardly believe it.
The 4½ year date of Sarah being gone passed without event. There's not enough going on that would help find Sarah.
"Somebody" out there is going to do a video about Sarah! This IS exciting news! Maybe this will get us more exposure. Flyers have gone out about this endeavor. I checked on the progress the other day, but I heard that so far nobody has responded. Her friends should answer this, because they are the ones that are wanted for either the acting parts or at least for ideas. They aren't going to use me. These people will get money for their input/acting, and a trip to the filming location. I heard that some of the filming will be locally just to make it more authentic. So. . . a film crew will be brought here. The only thing is, though, that if nobody calls, there will be no film.
I really hope that this is a go, because it will give her more exposure. I wonder who's going to play her part. . . I haven't been told.
Well, visit her web site at
BTW, if you knew Sarah and are interesting in the film, being in it, or having input in it, you can call the number and give you name, phone number, and address. They should get back to you in the next few days. Here it is: 877-808-3353.
BTW, I added some pics of Sarah to some of the previous posts. You may like to scroll down and take a look.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

The Past Few Days

Well, we heard that our Montel Show segment was aired again last week - Monday or Tuesday. This is the fourth time that I know about. I am very thankful that they continue to air our segment. The more people that have the opportunity to see the missing ones, the more likely that somebody somewhere will recognize one of them and be brave enough to make the call that would bring him/her home.
Sometimes people don't call because they don't want to get involved, but it is pertinent that they let their conscience speak for them and do what they know is right. So, if you have seen Sarah or any other missing person, please make the phone call that would help save them from whatever may befall them in desperate situations.

We received a tip a few days ago from this last segment. Could be that's it's really her? But maybe it's not. I'm not going to rush over there until I have a more clear idea that it's really her.

Is she married? Does she have a baby? Maybe we will find out before too long.
Stay tuned for more.

Blessings, Louise Neh8:10 <(((><

Saturday, August 13, 2005


Nothing much going on. Have a real job now and don't post often enough. (Sorry about that, if you are trying to keep up.) Got called on the carpet at work the other day for slandering another person's name. I won't name the person but just know that she is the one who made the phone call telling us that Sarah was missing. Funny how things got blown way out of proportion. Come to find out that she was telling people in her group that I was going around telling people that she knew what happened to Sarah. Wonder why she did that? Does she know and have a guilt complex? So, she is the only source of the grapevine there. She is the one who started spreading stuff around. So, should I accuse her of slandering me???? I really don't want to get into all of that at work. What really happened was this: she had seen a girl in her group and I talking to each other on occasion. When she was talking to the other girl at the other girl's cubicle she happened to glance in the direction of my cubicle and to see the flyers of Sarah that are hanging on my wall. That is when she figured out who I am (we haven't spoken since Sarah went missing.) Then is when she decided that the other girl and I probably just sat around talking about her. Now, does that sound reasonable to you, that the other girl and I would sit around talking about the other girl all the time? Does she not think that I have better things to talk about other than her? Who would want to talk about her??? NOBODY!! What would be the reason? Now, remember, what I had said to the girl at work, is that the other girl had made the call to our house to let us know that Sarah's friends had been looking for her all day. I will say nothing further about her here because I would not want to be accused of slandering her name.
On another note - a more positive one - the Montel Williams Show aired our segment the same week that all of this other stuff had taken place. I'm extremely excited that it is continued to be aired - this is the 3rd time to my knowledge! Is there somebody - ANYBODY out there who knows where our Sarah is? Please help us have some peace of mind about her. Please help us find her and help her if she is being misused or abused. Please help her be safe and found.
You or anybody would think that by this time we would become accustomed to the fact that she is gone from us. But we're not. We still have dreams about her - ALL of us do - everybody in the family does. We miss her, and we miss seeing her smile, hearing her voice and having seen her turn in the woman that she surely is now.
I know and everybody in the family knows that if she were okay, she would call us. She knows our number, and she knows our address. We don't plan on ever moving - at least not until we know where she is. We do want to know where she is - in more ways than one, and for more reasons than one. I am praying that she will turn back to her/our Lord and Savior, and that in doing so, that she would realize that we still love her and that we are looking for her and will NEVER stop looking until our dying days.
Thanks for taking your precious time to read my 'journal'. You are invited to leave your comments below, if you would like.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Sarah's 19th Birthday. . .
. . . was a little tough for me/us. John was out of town, but I know that he was thinking about her. Matt and I talked about her. I talked to others about her, and received more than 1 email from people who were praying for her/us.
I had placed a special birthday ad in the paper for her ~ hope she saw it, or one of her 'friends' told her about it.
I created and placed a couple of birthday flyers on the bulletin board at Wal-Mart. This one was a little different from the last couple that I had made. It was more colorful.
Guess we will get by, but only through God's strength will we make it through such tough times.
Neh8:10 - The joy of the Lord is (my) strength.

Friday, June 03, 2005

June 3, 2005

Well, May 1, 2005 was the 4th - yes I said the 4th missing date of Sarah. It was a difficult time. Seems like last year wasn't as bad for me as this year. Don't know why, though. Guess I'm just missing her really badly right now. I couldn't post anything new last month because of horrible depression about it. It would all have been a complete downer, so avoided doing it.
June 14 will be Sarah's 19th birthday. I hope it's a wonderful day for her. We will miss her, but possibly make her favorite birthday cake anyway. Maybe she'll think about us, too and call home.
Got an interesting call last week. The Montel Show aired us a second time already!!! at the re-run time. We didn't know it was going to air again, but think the exposure is really great and I am very thankful that they aired it again so soon. Back to the call: some people in a different town had seen the show, the husband, who is a fireman, had picked up a girl about a week earlier that had 5 bags she was carrying down the road. He saw the show, quite by accident, and really thought that the girl was our Sarah. She told him her name is Sarah (common name, really) and she wasn't really talkative about family, etc. His wife called me (which was a good thing) and I went to the town. Had to wait awhile until Sarah got back from where she had been, so that I could see her myself. These people that were waiting with me (the ones that had called) really wanted it to be my Sarah. There was a slight resemblance, but it was definitely a different Sarah. The first two things I noticed about her is that her teeth are really straight, and her nose is different. Remember, I haven't seen our precious 3rd daughter in MORE Than 4 years so I looked for things that I distinctly know about Sarah that are unique to her. As a matter of fact, the people so wanted it to be our Sarah, that they asked me a couple of times if I was sure that it wasn't her. Yes, I was very sure. :((
That's life, isn't it. But, I still believe that the girl who took the time to look up our phone number and call me, had done the right thing. What if it had been our Sarah and she hadn't called??? Well, she would have always wondered about it, and her conscience wouldn't be clear. Her conscience is clear because she did the right thing. I don't fault her for that, at all. I would rather check out a false lead than not. Members of her family and her friends - people who knew her well - would be the ones to be able to identify her for sure.
Speaking of her friends: John saw one of Sarah's friends a few days ago at the local Wal-Mart and had some words about certain people who know what happened to Sarah but wouldn't tell us anything. It wasn't a pleasant conversation. Now her flyers are coming down (again) from the Wal-Mart bulletin board where I commonly keep them. Hmmm - wonder who could be doing that?!
So, good-bye for today - er - this morning, and I'll add more another time.
BTW, please keep us in your prayers, as her birthday approaches quickly.
Blessings today and always ~ Neh. 8:10 ~ Louise

Friday, April 29, 2005

Another Day Without our Precious Baby Girl

Two days from now (Sunday, May 1, 2005) will be the marker for 4 long years without knowing where our baby girl is. :(( This is just another day for most people, but for our family and friends, it marks 4 full years since we've known the whereabouts of Sarah.
We must continue to face each and every morning wondering where she is, if she's okay, if she'll call us, if she's alive - if she's not. We must face another night of wondering if she has a place to lay her head down for a good night's sleep. The sadness is overwhelming right now.
But for the grace of God, I would be dead now. But for the grace of God, I would not be able to go through another day wondering. But for the grace of God, I would be in an institution. Thank you LORD for Your strength, love, comfort. Please help me make it through today.
Maybe tomorrow will be an easier day. Maybe the sadness won't be so overwhelming tomorrow. LORD, please help me live today for YOU and not for me.
Sarah, where-ever you are, know that you are loved and missed more than I can convey with mere words on paper. I am praying for you - to be safe, to be warm, to have a place to lay your head at night, to be surrounded by people who love you, to miss your family.
I love you, I love you, I love you. ~ Mom

Monday, March 21, 2005

Missing for 3 years, 10 months, 21 days

Just thought I'd check in. Still no word from the Montel Williams Show as to when our missing persons segment will air, but will keep you posted. The last missing persons show that they did was aired about 2 months after the taping. Could be the same this time, too. I am just very grateful that they allowed John and me to be on the show. There were others there also, with very important stories to tell about their missing loved ones. A daughter was there because her mother has been missing since December, 2004. A mother was there because her son went missing about 9 months ago. A husband and wife were there because their daughter has been missing for about a year. Also, a woman was there because her sister has been missing about 5 years. All of these people (including us) are very desperate to find the one in our lives who is missing.
Hey, you can leave a comment if you like. Ask questions, leave comments, or whatever.
Sarah can be found on several web sites, but most of the pictures on those are included here. You will probably get a little more information about what happened on some of the web sites about her. Maybe some day soon I will include some of the information about what happened. Is anybody curious? Just ask, then.

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Missing for 3 years, 10 months, 13 days

Well, that pretty much tells what I wanted to say today. If Sarah doesn't think that we are missing her, then she's not paying attention. I just pray that she's in a situation where she could call us if she wanted to.
It would be great to know that she's alright and not being held against her will some place. I'm thinking that IF she were a free person, that she would call us. She's got to know that we are still looking for her and will never stop.
Please look at the pictures of her. If you have seen her, please call 1-800-THE-LOST and tell the person who answers where she is. We are really desperate to know that she's well and alright and ALIVE!
Well, you can also see pics of her at this link. Also, I think that she knows about the other web site about her. She should go look at it and see a new page that has been added. The new page has family pics.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Hey, Sarah, watch Montel Williams and see your own face on there.
You missed Ben's 4th birthday yesterday. He's really a cutie, and I wish you could see him. He asks about you all the time.
I wear a button with your picture on it and a lot of people ask about you. If you need help from us, please call us. We will do whatever it takes to make sure you are safe. Always know that you are loved and missed.
I miss you so much. Please visit your web site again and leave a comment for us.
Also, visit your other web site at
Jill has a baby boy now. He is really cute. She and Paul are living in Houston
I love you. Please call home soon.

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Have you seen Sarah?

Hey, if you've seen Sarah, please call 1-800-THE-LOST, 1-903-457-2900. She is listed on several different web sites. If you type 'Sarah Kinslow' on your search bar, you will see several instances of her.
Or, you could type a comment about having seen her. Last we heard, she could have been in Oregon, but that hasn't really been verified.
Thanks so much for reading this.

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Where is Sarah Now? Can you help bring her home?

Sarah Kinslow has been missing since May 1, 20001. Her dad dropped her off at school, and she walked away - vanished!
Her friends and family all miss her. She has missed a lot since she's been gone. She's missed her nephew growing up. He asks about her. He sees her picture and wants to see her.
She's also missed a new nephew's birth just this past February.
Maybe she will see the show about missing persons on the Montel Williams show which will probably air sometime in March, 2005. Her pictures are on there. There is video of her on the show, too. If you happen to watch the show, please call in and tell the producer how much you enjoyed this type of show.
There are over 90,000 people missing in the U.S.A. any day and every day. Some were abducted and are being held against their will. Others left home on their own and were later abducted, and possibly killed. There are some that just left home and are alright.
Do you know anybody that has gone missing? It's very scary for the families who don't know where they are, where they spend their days and nights, and if they are even still alive and well.
Look at the faces of the missing. Maybe you will be the one that solves a mystery and finds a missing loved one and helps to connect them back with their families.

Follow this link to a website about her and visit her guestbook. Sign if you'd like to.