Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Sarah's 19th Birthday. . .
. . . was a little tough for me/us. John was out of town, but I know that he was thinking about her. Matt and I talked about her. I talked to others about her, and received more than 1 email from people who were praying for her/us.
I had placed a special birthday ad in the paper for her ~ hope she saw it, or one of her 'friends' told her about it.
I created and placed a couple of birthday flyers on the bulletin board at Wal-Mart. This one was a little different from the last couple that I had made. It was more colorful.
Guess we will get by, but only through God's strength will we make it through such tough times.
Neh8:10 - The joy of the Lord is (my) strength.

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